Many APS patients find it comforting to read other patients’ stories and find out that they are not alone in their disease. We always include at least 2 patient stories in our quarterly newsletters.

We strive to bring you the best newsletter that we can each quarter. In order to do so, we need patient stories and stories of interest from APS patients and their loved ones.

Topics can be from how APS affects you, poems you have written, tip and tricks that help you get through your day, to your favorite recipe. We are also taking book reviews of publications listed on our suggested reading page.

Please follow our current guidelines when submitting an article:

  • Send your story/article to
  • Patient stories and most articles should be approx 500-750 words long
  • Articles should be written at a 5th-8th grade reading level
  • Please try to include a picture when submitting a patient story
  • Patient stories should read like an autobiography—generally from diagnosis to present time, but it doesn’t have to
  • Please also include a title of your story
Please use previous patient stories as your guideline.  They can be found above.

Our Mission

Founded in 2005, the APS Foundation of America, Inc. is dedicated to fostering and facilitating joint efforts in the areas of education, public awareness, research, and patient services for Antiphospholipid Syndrome (APS) in an effective and ethical manner.


APS Foundation of America, Inc.
P. O. Box 801
LaCrosse, WI 54602-0801

DISCLAIMER: APS Foundation of America, Inc. website is not intended to replace standard doctor-patient visits, physical examination, and medical testing. Information given to members is only an opinion. All information should be confirmed with your personal doctor. Always seek the advice of a trained physician in person before seeking any new treatment regarding your medical diagnosis or condition. Any information received from APS Foundation of America, Inc. website is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure. This site is for informational purposes only. Please note that we will be listing all donor or purchaser's names on the Donor page of our foundation site. If you do not want your name listed, please contact us to opt out. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately.