Our Generous Donors
Without your donations, the APS Foundation of America, Inc would still be just a support forum and informative website. We’ve grown immensely in the past 5 years and we hope, with your support, we will be able to continue to grow as a foundation and bring much needed awareness to APS.
Please note, we generally do our book keeping on a quarterly basis, which may delay the posting of donor names. Tina does our book keeping and she is also an APS & Lupus patient. Your patience and understanding is greatly appreciated!
We currently have 4 different levels of donors – Platinum ($1000 or more), Gold ($500 – $999), Silver ($100 – $499), and Bronze (up to $100). Please scroll down to see our wonderful donors!

Donations of $100-499
Myra Rosen (Memory of Jason Strauss)
PG&E Corporation Campaign for the Community (Eric Nelson)
Jo Ann Colvin
Richard Regius c/o Mako Realty LLC
Cindi Brookes
Bob Clift
Linda Lakitsky (Memory of Jason Strauss)
All About Kids, Inc. (Memory of Jason Strauss)
Kirk M Farrel in honor of Erin M Farrel
Anne Kaylor (memory of Jessica Kidd-Vogelpohl)
Angie Wright (memory of Jessica Kidd-Vogelpohl)
Taylor Mill Firefighter Association (memory of Jessica Kidd-Vogelpohl)
Robert M Hoffer, JD (memory of Jessica Kidd-Vogelpohl)
Robert & Mildred Long (Memory of Ian Patrick Kennington)

Donations up to $99
David & Fern Gerber
Nancy & Mark Conrad
Rachel Anthony
Tina Pohlman
Kathy Walters
Jean Weller
Roxanne K Brotsky
Susan Portelance
Charlotte Burke
Barbara Gerardo
Fred Wolfe
Mandy Falls
Tami Baldwin
Stefanie & Jeffert Lapel
Karen & Eugene Rau
Rick Osborne
Denise Cooper
Megan Bartow
Lloyd & Michelley Days
Thrivent Gift Multiplier Program (Julie Markos)
Janice Saville in honor of Diane Trentlange McHugh
Rose Velez-Smith (memory of Jason Strauss)
Regina Smilyansky (memory of Jason Strauss)
Maristela Bayer (memory of Jason Strauss)
Julianne Gapp in honor of Jerry & Roseanne Miller
Mark Thompson in honor of Tina Pohlman
June Meyer (memory of Jason Strauss)
Mary & Michael Creekmore (memory of Michael Creekmore II)
Silvia Stein (memory of Jason Strauss)
Kenneth & Joyce Bifarelli (memory of Diane Trenta Lange)
Barbara & Bobby Ferguson in honor of Candy Ferguson
Around ‘n’ About Homemakers in honor of Candy Ferguson
Watson & Joan Fearing in honor of Ken Fearing
Gloria Spellacy in memory of Dean Oxley
The Fidelity WI Mid Large Market Sales Team
(memory of Jessica Kidd-Vogelpohl)
Tina Bunker (memory of Jessica Kidd-Vogelpohl)
Shelly Fuller (memory of Jessica Kidd-Vogelpohl)
Diane Goldberg(memory of Jessica Kidd-Vogelpohl)
Joanne Wisniewski (memory of Jessica Kidd-Vogelpohl)
Heather Domyan (memory of Jessica Kidd-Vogelpohl)
Nichole Flaherty (memory of Jessica Kidd-Vogelpohl)
Mark & Virgie Love (memory of Jessica Kidd-Vogelpohl)
Darlene & Kenneth Kleman (memory of Jessica Kidd-Vogelpohl)
Joseph & Janice Gormley (memory of Jessica Kidd-Vogelpohl)
Barbara & Wayne Beimesch (memory of Jessica Kidd-Vogelpohl)
Debbie & Art Strietelmeier (memory of Jessica Kidd-Vogelpohl)
TASA, Inc. (memory of Jessica Kidd-Vogelpohl)
Joel & Jodi Steczynski (memory of Jessica Kidd-Vogelpohl)
Fred & Marlene Wright (memory of Jessica Kidd-Vogelpohl)
Harold & Barbara Ann Krantz (memory of Jessica Kidd-Vogelpohl)
Lawrence & Shirley Bennett (memory of Jessica Kidd-Vogelpohl)
Larry & Kathy Krech (memory of Jessica Kidd-Vogelpohl)
Rose & Colleen Doud (memory of Jessica Kidd-Vogelpohl)
Peter & Kathy Summe (memory of Jessica Kidd-Vogelpohl)
Allen & Barbara Kidd (memory of Jessica Kidd-Vogelpohl)
Keith Adams (memory of Jessica Kidd-Vogelpohl)
Nancy L. Bishop (memory of Jessica Kidd-Vogelpohl)
Rita J. Hasler (memory of Jessica Kidd-Vogelpohl)
Micheael & Jane Kennedy (memory of Jessica Kidd-Vogelpohl)
Elaine McGonagle
Karen Penley
Deborah Wight
Lee Sachs
Vickie Crider
Kristen Smith
Karen Springer-Samples
Londoncherie Back
Karyn Lombana
Laurie O’Toole
Tami Baldwin
Nancy Smith
Deb Maly
Cindy Heuer
Geraldine & Robert Bayley
Liesl Beneke

Donations made in Memory of a loved one
A donation was made by the following in loving memory of
Jason Corie Strauss
Tarra Dodaj
Jesse Cugliotta
Myra Rosen
Jonathan Ragals
Christopher Pensiero
John Ferber
Regina Smilyansky
Rose Velez-Smith
Maristela Bayer
June Meyer
Linda Lakitsky
Silvia Stein
All About Kids, Inc.

Donations made in Memory of a loved one
A donation was made by the following in loving memory of
Jessica Kidd-Vogelpohl
The Fidelity WI Mid Large Market Sales Team
Tina Bunker
Shelly Fuller
Diane Goldberg
Joanne Wisniewski
The Littrell Family
Heather Domyan
Nichole Flaherty
Anne Kaylor
Mark & Virgie Love
Darlene & Kenneth Kleman
Joseph & Janice Gormley
Barbara & Wayne Beimesch
Debbie & Art Strietelmeier
TASA, Inc.
Joel & Jodi Steczynski
Fred & Marlene Wright
Harold & Barbara Ann Krantz
Lawrence & Shirley Bennett
Larry & Kathy Krech
Rose & Colleen Doud
Peter & Kathy Summe
Allen & Barbara Kidd
Keith Adams
Angie Wright
Nancy L. Bishop
Taylor Mill Firefighter Association
Rita J. Hasler
Robert M Hoffer, JD
Michael & Jane Kennedy

Our Mission

Founded in 2005, the APS Foundation of America, Inc. is dedicated to fostering and facilitating joint efforts in the areas of education, public awareness, research, and patient services for Antiphospholipid Syndrome (APS) in an effective and ethical manner.
Information Sheets
DISCLAIMER: The APS Foundation of America, Inc. website is not intended to replace standard doctor-patient visits, physical examination, and medical testing. Information given to members is only an opinion. All information should be confirmed with your doctor. Always seek a trained physician's advice before seeking any new treatment regarding your medical diagnosis or condition. Any information received from the APS Foundation of America, Inc. website is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure. This site is for informational purposes only. Please note that we will list all donors' or purchasers' names on the donor page of our foundation site. If you do not want your name listed, please get in touch with us to opt-out. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately.