Our Generous Donors
Without your donations, the APS Foundation of America, Inc. would still be just a support forum and informative website. We’ve grown immensely in the past 11 years and we hope, with your support, we will be able to continue to grow as a foundation and bring much needed awareness to APS.
Please note, we generally do our book keeping on a quarterly basis, which may delay the posting of donor names. Tina does our book keeping and she is also an APS & Lupus patient. Your patience and understanding is greatly appreciated!
We currently have 4 different levels of donors – Platinum ($1000 or more), Gold ($500 – $999), Silver ($100 – $499), and Bronze (up to $100). Please scroll down to see our wonderful donors!
Donations of $100-499
Amanda Soderberg
Amber Pugh in memory of Pamela Wachal
Arthur & Barbara Nickler in memory of Thomas Torsiello
BBKS House of Music, LLC in honor of Eva Goordman
Bridget Vosloo in memory of Cora Jue Velasco Taylor
Creative Enchantment LLC
Darrel & Angie Wright in memory of Jessica Kidd-Vogelpohl
Donna Heuchling
Eric & Emmy Goordman in honor of Eva Goordman
Gabriella Glenn in memory of Lee Edward Lewis
Green Pond Barn, LLC in honor of April Matera Patiro
Gregory & Mary Gwyn-Williams in memory of Thomas Torsiello
Hang Sheng & Xiaojin Chu in memory of Ying Li
James Weiss
Jennie Alvarez
JeriAnn & Joseph Kidd in memory of Jessica Kidd-Vogelpohl
Joan Matera in honor of April Matera Patiro
Judy & Kevin Byron in honor of Eva Goordman
Keith & Sheri Collins in memory of Jessica Kidd-Vogelpohl
Kristine Bartholow
Matt Rogers
Nona Ceva in memory of Thomas Torsiello
Peter Osadnick
Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Progam
Regina Lewis in memory of Lee Richard Lewis
Rosemary Riter in memory of Lee Edward Lewis
Tiffany Bollinger
Venetta Brown in memory of Catherine Marie Dickison
Donations up to $99
Allison Schmitt-Mitchell
Amanda Eads
Amy Modglin in honor of Amy Perkins
Annie D Ritter
Carole Metcalfe in honor of Jennifer MacDonnell
Catherine Price in memory of Scott D Beitinger
Daniel Schattie in memory of Thomas Torsiello
Debra Levaswseur in memory of Thomas Torsiello
Desert of Delaware Daughters
Diane Zimmer in memory of Thomas Torsiello
George & Denise Breitinger in memory of Scott Breitinger
Gregory & Mary Gwyn-Williams in memory of Thomas Torsiello
Hill in memory of Charlene Alexander
Jeffery Litt in memory of Steven Litt
Jeffrey Dobrinsky
Jian Yu & Xiaoying Lu in memory of Ying Li
Jo Ann Colvin
John Baublitz in memory of Scott D Beitinger
Karin Smith
Kenneth & Faye Slack in memory of Scott Breitinger
Kenneth Munao
Kristi Morgirdge
Leslie Diner in honor of April Matera Patiro
Maria T Sevitski in memory of Lee Edward Lewis
Melany McQueneny
Monica Giuliani in memory of Lee Edward Lewis
Muckenfuss in memory of Charlene Alexender
Patricia Melnyk in memory of Thomas Torsiello
Rita & Emil Toften in memory of Scott Breitinger
Sal B in memory of Thomas Torsiello
Sherrie Jordan
Sheryl Carl
Susan Felson
Thelma E Wulzer in memory of Lee Edward Lewis
United Way of Greater Philadelphia & Souther New Jersey
Wealth Management in memory of Steven Litt
William Blumenthal in memory of Lee Edward Lewis
Yuri Livshitz
Alexander Thomas in memory of J Patrick Thomas
And All Our Wonderful Facebook Donors
A donation was made by the following in loving memory of
Thomas Torsiello
Diane Zimmer
Sal B
Nona Ceva
Debra Levaswseur
Arthur & Barbara Nickler
Catherine & Robert Cecere
Gregory & Mary Gwyn-Williams
Daniel Schattie
Patricia Melnyk
A donation was made by the following in loving memory of
Catherine Marie Dickison
Venetta Brown
A donation was made by the following in loving memory of
Charlene Alexander
A donation was made by the following in loving memory of
Scott D Beitinger
Catherine Price
John Baublitz
George & Denise Breitinger
Kenneth & Faye Slack
Rita & Emil Toften
A donation was made by the following in loving memory of
Lee Edward Lewis
Rosemary Ritter
Thelma E Wulzer
Monica Giuliani
William Blumenthal
Gabriella Glenn
Maria T Sevitski
Regina Lewis
A donation was made by the following in loving memory of
Cora Jueco Velasco Taylor
Bridget Vosloo
A donation was made by the following in loving memory of
Jessica Kidd-Vogelpohl
JeriAnn & Joseph Kidd
Keith & Sheri Collins
Darrell & Angie Wright
Jerry & Diana Alvey
A donation was made by the following in loving memory of
Ying Li
Hang Sheng & Xiaojin Chu
Jian Yu & Xiaoying Lu
A donation was made by the following in loving honor of
Jennifer MacDonnell
Carole Metcalfe
A donation was made by the following in honor memory of
Pamela Wachal
Amber Pugh
A donation was made by the following in loving honor of
Amy Perkins
Amy Modglin
A donation was made by the following in loving honor of
April Matera Patiro
Green Pond Barn, LLC
Joan Matera
Leslie Diner
A donation was made by the following in loving memory of
Eva Goordman
Eric & Emmy Goordman
Judy & Kevin Byron
BBKS House of Music, LLC
A donation was made by the following in loving memory of
J Patrick Thomas
Alexander Thomas
Our Mission
Founded in 2005, the APS Foundation of America, Inc. is dedicated to fostering and facilitating joint efforts in the areas of education, public awareness, research, and patient services for Antiphospholipid Syndrome (APS) in an effective and ethical manner.
Information Sheets
DISCLAIMER: The APS Foundation of America, Inc. website is not intended to replace standard doctor-patient visits, physical examination, and medical testing. Information given to members is only an opinion. All information should be confirmed with your doctor. Always seek a trained physician's advice before seeking any new treatment regarding your medical diagnosis or condition. Any information received from the APS Foundation of America, Inc. website is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure. This site is for informational purposes only. Please note that we will list all donors' or purchasers' names on the donor page of our foundation site. If you do not want your name listed, please get in touch with us to opt-out. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately.