Our Generous Donors
Without your donations, the APS Foundation of America, Inc. would still be just a support forum and informative website. We’ve grown immensely in the past 18 years and we hope, with your support, we will be able to continue to grow as a foundation and bring much needed awareness to APS.
Please note that we generally do our bookkeeping on a quarterly basis, which may delay the posting of donor names. Tina does our book keeping and she is also an APS & Lupus patient. Your patience and understanding is greatly appreciated!
We currently have 4 different levels of donors – Platinum ($1000 or more), Gold ($500 – $999), Silver ($100 – $499), and Bronze (up to $100). Please scroll down to see our wonderful donors!

Donations of $500-999
David Salpeter
Alice Shapley
Robert & Laurie Shapley
Lauren Miller
Susan Spencer
Joanne Cate
Victor Gemelli
John Weiss

Donations of $100-499
Delrose Koch
Frederic Spencer
Michael & Barbara Butler
Karen McKenzie
Kevin Walden
Courtney Pattee
Margarita Blanco
Courtney Pattee
Anna Wetzel
Frank Moss
Michael Carr
Sarah Marino
Patrick Casey
Mary Kay Martire
Delrose Koch
Frederic Spencer
David Russell, Victoria Luine, Richard Russell
Jeff Goldshine
Barbara & David Mendels
Amanda Bayer & Medicaid Done Right
Eleanore Castano
Carla Levin
Eric Mattson
Beth Berg
Sara Milstein
Elaine Bassick
Amanda Jassin
Brian Gold
Margaret & Stephen Schumacher
Anne Oscherwitz
Robert Johnson
Diane J Wagner
Robert & Stacy Malecki
Sidley Austin Foundation
Tommie Rae Radd
Lan Eng & Michael Wapner
Peter Moller
Jeffery & Terri Fine
Amy Chalfy
Erica Daniels
Christina Finkelstein
Dianne Weiser Freedman
Craig Fetherston
Janet & Frank Zito
Joesph & Ann Viti
Shawn & Carri Maneen
Bonita & Francis
James W Wallace, Jr
Linda A Tripple
D’Arcangelo & Co, LLP
Glenn & Anne Asnoe
Dennis & Karen Hogsett
All Of Our Wonderful Facebook & Instagram Donors

Donations up to $99
Kyle Giannaula
Kathleen Nerz
George Busacca
Christine Prochia
Rebecca Weaver
Darlene Pontecorvo
Lynn Morris
Roy Steiman
Marjorie Berenson
Tina Wallace
Michael Hund
Derek Rosenbaum
Karen Schmidt
Michaela Ferretti
Sandra Terrce
Marcia & Stephen Gross
Arlene & Mark Rosenbaum
Larry J Schempp
Mark Simon
Andrew Martin Axler
Phyllis Fired
Ellen Olsen
Randi Levitch
Margaret Keats
Elissa Braff
Sheryl Gordon
Dale Cindi
Wendy Eisner
Daniel, Francis & Matthew Hammermesh
Steven Racow & Carol Gardner
Hanna Pollack
Julie & Ron Allen
Edward Scott Forbes
Marilyn Borkgren
Roberta Trachtman
Nancy & Jay Feldman
Carla Kellner
Janice M Viera Vargas
Connie Johnson
Elaine Walz
Delores & Robert Hund
Michael Hund
Karen Scheer
Lisa Larson
Jonathan Kidwell
Elizabeth King
Cathy Seldin
Rebecca Schwartz
Roslyn Helfen
Sandy, Richard & Sandra Levitt
Bethlyn Mizelle
Heather Fite
Tracy Wolf
Helen Huthnance
Karin Glasgow
Gale Mangini
Juliette Taylor
Annette Cummings
Angela Fair
Alicia Aroche
Greg Diamond
Michael Hund
Edgar Vargas
Laurel A Aydelotte
Laurel A Aydelotte
Karen Simms-Tolsen
Tara Tursi
Helenty Hagen
Ann Tomarchio
Patricia Accattato
Anthony Licari
D & R Hoskey
Debra A Lusiak
Henry & Phyllis Vallent
Marie & Frank LaPuma
Elizabeth Palumbo
Margaret & William Burns
Sondra Morgan
Scott & Helen Leonard
Vincent & Margaret Filingeri
Robert & Mary Pacific
Beatrice & Thomas Vivacqua
Peter & Carol Cross
Salvatore & Virgina Zito
Anne Robinson
Michael & Iryna Trociuk
Baldo & Angeline Cencetti
Robert & Kathleen Moher
Hon Anthony & Anna Garramone
David & Linda Tripoli
Denise & Joseph Bellino
Thomas & Kathryn Lapuma
Richard & Debra DeJohn
Patricia & Harold Kellogg
Mary Leahy
Ellen M Doser
Andrea & Mark Barbato
Doreen A Fiorentino
Michael & Sara Hart
Stan & Kathleen Taylor
Debbie Coffey
Randy & Jean Cartee
Sarah Cate
All Of Our Wonderful Facebook & Instagram Donors

A donation was made by the following in loving memory of
Laird Kantruss
Kyle Giannaula
Kathleen Nerz
George Busacca
Christine Prochia
Rebecca Weaver
Daniel Heath
Darlene Pontecorvo
Arlene & Mark Rosenbaum

A donation was made by the following in loving memory of
Linda Goldstein
Sandra Terrce
Marcia & Stephen Gross

A donation was made by the following in loving honor of
Michael Hund
Delores & Robert Hund

A donation was made by the following in loving memory of
Michelle Carson
Kevin Waldon

A donation was made by the following in loving memory of
Ken Bollinger
Courtney Pattee
Connie Johnson
Anna Mary Wetzel
Elaine Walz

A donation was made by the following in loving memory of
Dr. Sara Diaz
Michael & Barbara Butler
Carla Kellner
Victor Gemelli
Jonathan Kidwell
Karen McKenzie
Janice M Viera Vargas

A donation was made by the following in loving memory of
Rachael Gordon Smolow
Elissa Braff
Michael Liebman
Carrie Zaslow Simon
Andrew Silver
Sandra Wuliger
Janice Levities
Sheryl Gordon
Maria Bradley
Jill Kleinman
Alan Katz
Deborah Gewirtz
Dale Cindi
Wendy Eisner
Jillian Lundberg
Daniel, Francis & Matthew Hammermesh
Steven Racow & Carol Gardner
Judith & Daniel Golub
Lauren Miller
Kaplan & Schultz, CPA
Nancy & Jay Feldman
David Russell, Victoria Luine, Richard Russell
Jeff Goldshine
Karen Scheer
Barbara & David Mendels
Lisa Rubenfeld
Susan Goodman
Sara Milstein
Michael Smolow
Elaine Bassick
Amanda Jassin
Elizabeth King
Danielle Kaplan
Cathy Seldin
Rebecca Schwartz
Roslyn Helfen
Judith & James Gordon
Michelle Smookler
Sandy, Richard & Sandra Levitt
Ezra Smolow
Amy Chalfy

A donation was made by the following in loving memory of
James (Jim) D Weiss
Michael Carr
Sarah Marino
Julie & Ron Allen
Edward Scott Forbes
Marilyn Borkgren
Patrick Casey
Mary Kay Martire
Delrose Koch
Susan Spencer
Frederic Spencer
Roberta Trachtman
Eleanore Castano
Lisa Larson
Carla Levin
Brian Gold
Eric Mattson
Beth Berg
Anne Oscherwitz
Robert & Stacy Malecki
Sidley Austin Foundation
Lan Eng & Michael Wapner
John Weiss

A donation was made by the following in loving memory of
Jose Francisco Molina Morales
Angie Garcia Lathrop
Diane J Wagner

A donation was made by the following in loving honor of
Michael Hund
Delores & Robert Hund

A donation was made by the following in loving memory of
Michael B Cate
Joanne Cate

A donation was made by the following in loving memory of
Vincent S Maneen
Dennis Ruddy
Mia Peluso
Robert Husnay
Leo Bonfardeci
Ellen Culver
Nicholas D Ciallelo
Philip Tangorra
Melissa Cencetti
Jack Zito
Susan Gauthier
Sabra & Craig Marrone
Jennifer DeSarro
Robert Deluke
Kirsi Donovan
Kirsi Donovan
Julie Pacific
Dorrie Aiello
Diane Crumb
Carol Zogby
Janice Branck
James Trombino
Patricia Accattato
Anthony Licari
Erica Daniels
Ann Tomarchio
Christine Spiak
John Madia
Glenn & Anne Asnoe
Mary Leahy
Ellen M Doser
Andrea & Mark Barbato
Doreen A Fiorentino
D’Arcangelo & Co, LLP
Patricia & Harold Kellogg
Linda A Tripple
Richard & Debra DeJohn
Bonita & Francis
James W Wallace, Jr
Thomas & Kathryn Lapuma
Shawn & Carri Maneen
Salvatore & Virgina Zito
Anne Robinson
Michael & Iryna Trociuk
Baldo & Angeline Cencetti
Robert & Kathleen Moher
Hon Anthony & Anna Garramone
David & Linda Tripoli
Denise & Joseph Bellino
Joesph & Ann Viti
Marie & Frank LaPuma
Elizabegh Palumbo
Margaret & William Burns
Sondra Morgan
Scott & Helen Leonard
Vincent & Margaret Filingeri
Robert & Mary Pacific
Beatrice & Thomas Vivacqua
Peter & Carol Cross
Janet & Frank Zito
D & R Hoskey
Debra A Lusiak
Henry & Phyllis Vallent

A donation was made by the following in loving memory of
Matthew Lucero
Richard Allison
Carl Busser
Dennis & Karen Hogsett
Michael & Sara Hart
Stan & Kathleen Taylor
Debbie Coffey
Randy & Jean Cartee

A donation was made by the following in loving memory of
Jessica Kidd-Vogelpohl
Diane Alvey

Our Mission

Founded in 2005, the APS Foundation of America, Inc. is dedicated to fostering and facilitating joint efforts in the areas of education, public awareness, research, and patient services for Antiphospholipid Syndrome (APS) in an effective and ethical manner.
Information Sheets
DISCLAIMER: The APS Foundation of America, Inc. website is not intended to replace standard doctor-patient visits, physical examination, and medical testing. Information given to members is only an opinion. All information should be confirmed with your doctor. Always seek a trained physician's advice before seeking any new treatment regarding your medical diagnosis or condition. Any information received from the APS Foundation of America, Inc. website is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure. This site is for informational purposes only. Please note that we will list all donors' or purchasers' names on the donor page of our foundation site. If you do not want your name listed, please get in touch with us to opt-out. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately.