Antiphospho….What?! Newsletter Vol. 33
The Fall/Winter 2024 volume of our newsletter, “Antiphospho…What??” is ready to be downloaded.
Please let us know if there are any topics that you’d like our Medical Advisers to cover in their articles. We try to request topics people email about or discuss on our forum. So, if you’d like to see anything, please let us know, and we’ll pass it along to the medical advisers.
We still need patient stories (especially about Men and Teens / Children), recipes, poems, related book reviews, and anything else you think would be of interest for upcoming newsletters (book reviews, poems, recipes, articles written by family members, etc.). Please submit articles to the following email address:
Please follow our current guidelines when submitting an article:
· Send your story/article to
· Patient stories and most articles should be approximately 500-750 words long and contain a title
· Articles should be written at a 5th-8th grade reading level
· Please try to include a picture when submitting a patient story
· Patient stories should read like an autobiography-generally from diagnosis to the present time, but it doesn’t have to.
Please use previous patients’ stories as your guideline. They can be found here:
If you have an idea and are unsure if it would fit, please feel free to contact us through our contact page on the website or email us using the email address below. We are open to any suggestions. Without your help, we could not include an APS patient’s story in each of our newsletters.
We could also use articles from medical professionals or students on APS & APS-related topics, like Lupus. Please get in touch with us if you are interested. This is an excellent opportunity for you to get your name out there.
Click on the tab to read the newsletter:
Our Mission

Founded in 2005, the APS Foundation of America, Inc. is dedicated to fostering and facilitating joint efforts in the areas of education, public awareness, research, and patient services for Antiphospholipid Syndrome (APS) in an effective and ethical manner.
Information Sheets
DISCLAIMER: The APS Foundation of America, Inc. website is not intended to replace standard doctor-patient visits, physical examination, and medical testing. Information given to members is only an opinion. All information should be confirmed with your doctor. Always seek a trained physician's advice before seeking any new treatment regarding your medical diagnosis or condition. Any information received from the APS Foundation of America, Inc. website is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure. This site is for informational purposes only. Please note that we will list all donors' or purchasers' names on the donor page of our foundation site. If you do not want your name listed, please get in touch with us to opt-out. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately.