Our Generous Donors
Without your donations, the APS Foundation of America, Inc. would still be a support forum and informative website. We’ve grown immensely in the past 19 years and we hope, with your support, we will be able to continue to grow as a foundation and bring much-needed awareness to APS.
Please note, that we generally do our bookkeeping on a quarterly basis, which may delay the posting of donor names. Tina does our bookkeeping and she is also an APS & Lupus patient. Your patience and understanding are greatly appreciated!
We currently have four different levels of donors – Platinum ($1000 or more), Gold ($500 – $999), Silver ($100 – $499), and Bronze (up to $100). Please scroll down to see our wonderful donors!
Donations of $500-999
Joseph Mobilio, DO
Joanne Cate
Lisa Tucker & James Levin
Ed & Libby Chang
James & Judith Gordon
Reginald Hair
Donations of $100-499
Joanne Bianco
HG Staffing, LLC
Susan M Wagner
Arlene M W Stapinski
Arlene M W Stapinski
Sharon & Ed Grzymski
Dale Sponaugle
Jane McFarland
Kendra Foust
Cindi Gall
Tom Kukar
Marie & John Stapinski
Michael Leykin
Michael Leykin
Lisa & Joel Denning
Violet Sisrovaris
Meghan Chrisman
Barbara Jean Pacey
Christine Spiak
Bernadette Keyes
Hayley L Lucero
Tommie Rae Radd
Arlene & David Morgan
Frank Moss
Washington Commanders
David Hsu
Marsha Serlin
Linda & Scott Brenner
Roberta Etchell
Susan Levin
Maria Pannullo
Rhoda Dryer
All Of Our Wonderful Facebook & Instagram Donors
Donations up to $99
Ellen Field
Chris Cook
Malia Cunningham
Debra Martyn
Chris Cook
Denise Kaylor
John Madia
Renee Roxanne Ballard
Nancy Vox
Thomas Kinney
Jamie Beggs
Cooleemee Civitan Club
Caroline Cook
Matthew Richter
Murray Roth
Danielle Camarto
Julese Cepero
Aiden Larsen
Jill Cunniff
Susan Urban
Vivian & David Nelson
Brenda Crom
Teri Hartung
Sandra Trimboli
Susan Urban
Bethlynn Mizelle
Michael Hund
Karen M Ganaci
Roseann J Ranieri
Lori Evans
Michael Hund
Estheffany Rodriguez
Bosco Lee
Jennifer Doran
Lauren Howard
Marie Louise Samuels
Faye Perkins
Robert Milham
Alecia Bystrzycki
Lou Ann Gartner
Debbie Gragg
BJ Sanders
Patricia A Norman
Carla Faraoni
HopeOne Foundation
The Jansen Family
Susan & Mark Rose
Thomas & Elyse Magill
Karoline Forsman
Dianne Weiser Freedman
Linda & Bob Chiron
Sandra & David Portman
All Of Our Wonderful Facebook & Instagram Donors
A donation was made by the following in loving memory of
Michelle Stapinski Pokrinchak
Jamie Beggs
Vivian & David Nelson
Roseann J Ranieri
Lori Evans
Bosco Lee
Jennifer Doran
Susan M Wagner
Arlene M W Stapinski
Sharon & Ed Grzymski
Marie & John Stapinski
Michael Leykin
Arlene & David Morgan
Joseph Mobilio, DO
A donation was made by the following in loving memory of
Vincent S Maneen
John Madia
Thomas Kinney
Karen M Ganaci
Joanne Bianco
Christine Spiak
A donation was made by the following in loving memory of
Matthew R Lucero
Nancy Vox
Hayley L Lucero
A donation was made by the following in loving honor of
Camaron Chesseman
Washington Commanders
A donation was made by the following in loving honor of
Taylor Worley
HG Staffing, LLC
A donation was made by the following in loving memory of
Michael B Cate
Joanne Cate
A donation was made by the following in loving memory of
Danielle Camarato
A donation was made by the following in loving memory of
Kirby Shyer
Jane McFarland
Lisa & Joel Denning
Lauren Howard
Lisa Tucker & James Levin
Rhoda Dryer
Maria Pannullo
A donation was made by the following in loving honor of
Laura Holland Preston
HG Staffing
A donation was made by the following in loving memory of
Sebastian “Fiddyman” Kremer (1994-2024)
Dale Sponaugle
Zachary Sponaugle
A donation was made by the following in loving memory of
Terry Carter
Cooleemee Civitan Club
A donation was made by the following in loving memory of
Rachael Gordon Smolow
James & Judith Gordon
A donation was made by the following in loving memory of
Dana Ackerman
Jill Cunniff
Teri Hartung
Violet Sisrovaris
Roberta Etchell
Marsha Serlin
The Jansen Family
Susan & Mark Rose
Linda & Scott Brenner
Thomas & Elyse Magill
Linda & Bob Chiron
Sandra & David Portman
Susan Levin
A donation was made by the following in loving honor of
Martin Gainey
Parker Ramsdell
Our Mission
Founded in 2005, the APS Foundation of America, Inc. is dedicated to fostering and facilitating joint efforts in the areas of education, public awareness, research, and patient services for Antiphospholipid Syndrome (APS) in an effective and ethical manner.
Information Sheets
DISCLAIMER: The APS Foundation of America, Inc. website is not intended to replace standard doctor-patient visits, physical examination, and medical testing. Information given to members is only an opinion. All information should be confirmed with your doctor. Always seek a trained physician's advice before seeking any new treatment regarding your medical diagnosis or condition. Any information received from the APS Foundation of America, Inc. website is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure. This site is for informational purposes only. Please note that we will list all donors' or purchasers' names on the donor page of our foundation site. If you do not want your name listed, please get in touch with us to opt-out. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately.