APS & Related Publications
Here you will find recommended reads on APS. For your convenience, we have also provided links to purchase the ones that are available on Amazon. The APS Foundation of America, Inc. does not endorse any of the books listed below. Most are recommended by other members.
Books on Antiphospholipid Syndrome (APS)
The Bounce Back Journey: An Inspiring Collection Of Personal Stories
by Nicky Marshall, Sharon Critchlow; Published in 2020 by Discover Your Bounce Publishing; ISBN: 0995678642
Description: A powerful collection of personal stories, 24 authors share their journey of bouncing back: what they learned and the advice they would give. This book is a great read to inspire a friend, to perk up a lunch time or to support you on your own journey of change.
Hughes Syndrome: Patient’s Guide (2nd Edition)
by Dr Graham Hughes; Published in 2016 by Springer (May 16, 2016); ISBN: 3319310283
Description: This second edition is a result from a worldwide surge of interest in antiphospholipid syndrome. This disease, also known as Hughes Syndrome, affects all organs of the body including the placenta, and therefore touches all areas of medicine.
Hughes Syndrome: The Antiphospholipid Syndrome: A Guide for Students (2nd Edition)
by MA Khamashta (Editor); Published in 2011 by Springer (November 20, 2011); ISBN: 0857297384
Description: Hughes Syndrome: The Antiphospholipid Syndrome, A Guide for Students provides an in-depth analysis into the main effects of Hughes Syndrome.
In 1983, Dr Graham Hughes, and his team in London, described a syndrome and subsequently developed simple blood tests to diagnose the condition. This syndrome is characterised by thrombosis (both in limbs and internal organs), headaches, memory loss, strokes and, in pregnant women, placental clotting and recurrent miscarriage. The syndrome, now known worldwide as Hughes Syndrome, or the Antiphospholipid Syndrome, is common – being responsible for example, for up to 1 in 5 cases of young stroke and more importantly, it is treatable.
Clinical Approach to Antiphospholipid Antibodies
by Steven R. Levine, Robin L. Brey (Editor); Published in 2000 by Butterworth-Heinemann; ISBN: 0750671777
Description: From Book News, Inc. Discusses clinical and mechanistic issues related to vascular disease associated with antiphospholipid antibodies (aPL), identifying both advances and limitations of current knowledge in the field. The topics of the eight chapters are epidemiology of aPL and vascular disease, immunologic properties and anticoagulant activities of aPL, mechanisms of thrombosis and experimental models, cerebrovascular diseases, obstetric complications, the pathology of aPL, treatment of patients with aPL and arterial or venous thromboembolic events, and clinical vignettes.Book News, Inc.®, Portland, OR
The Antiphospholipid Syndrome II
by Ronald A. Asherson (Editor), Ricard Cervera (Editor), Jean-Charles Piette (Editor), Yehuda Shoenfeld (Editor); Published in 2002 by Elsevier Science Pub Co.; ISBN: 0444509879
Description: This book provides the reader with a comprehensive overview of the Antiphospholipid syndrome. One of the most important advances in rheumatology and connective tissue diseases of the last decade. It provides an explanation for many previously undefined conditions with no clear pathogenesis encompassing all subspeculations in internal medicine as well as obstetrics. Clotting problems leading to strokes and myocardial infarctions (in younger people) as well as a large variety of other syndromes such as chorea, hyproadrenalism, pulmonary problems are now being understood.
Univ. of Cape Town, South Africa. Text covers the history and epidemiology of the Antiphospholipid Syndrome, immunology and pathophysiology of the Antiphospholipid Syndrome, clinical features, and management and prognosis. A useful appendix discusses information on the Internet and patient information. NOTE: Elsevier has taken over this title from CRC Press and copyrighting as first ed.
Positive Options for Antiphospholipid Syndrome (APS): Self-Help and Treatment
by Triona Holden; Published in 2003 by Hunter House; ISBN: 0897934091
Description: APS (also known as “sticky blood syndrome”) makes the blood clot too easily. It is often the cause of multiple miscarriages and is potentially fatal. Increasingly common, it threatens to become more prevalent than MS and lupus. This book takes an important look at this dangerously under-diagnosed autoimmune disease and provides medical information, case studies, and patient interviews to help the reader learn to cope.
Scroll down for additional recommendations pertaining to other related conditions.
Scroll down for additional recommendations pertaining to other related conditions.
Books on Lupus
Deceived from Within: Living with APS and Lupus
by Daren Radke; Published in 2021 by iUniverse (June 10, 2021); ISBN: 1663222932
Description: Ever wake up one day to see part of your body look out of the ordinary? Unusual swelling and discolored? Followed by tremendous chest pain that makes sleep impossible. A pain that ranks as a number ten on the pain scale. You have both a Deep Vein Thrombosis and a Pulmonary Embolism. Two blood clots. My whole life changed. Welcome to my story. What once was a thriving life, changed in a matter of years. Lost two jobs, unable to find the right Doctors to treat me. The lack of interest to do more. To help find answers. The shame and the depression they caused. How close I was to giving up. To move forward while ignoring my body. I no longer cared. After five long years, life changed. All I needed was a push in the right direction. Finding the right person to trust and provide guidance to find the answers. Her guidance helped me with a change in Doctors. New Doctors who were looking out for my best interests. Providing the answers for what ails me. Answers that would help me understand my health issues and how to move forward. I was diagnosed with both Antiphospholipid Syndrome and Lupus. Autoimmune disease I had no clue what they were or meant. 90% who have both Antiphospholipid Syndrome and Lupus are usually women! I?m amongst the 10 percenters, men living with both APS and Lupus. My book details when my life was changing for the better and eventually the worst. The challenges I continue to live with and how I live with those. My outlets that guide me through the tough times. And appreciating what life has to offer instead of living in the past.
The Lupus Handbook for Women
by Robin Dibner, MD & Carol Colman; Published in 1994 by Simon & Schuster; ISBN: 0671790315
Description: The Lupus Handbook for Women provides all the information a woman needs to understand the disease, its diagnosis, and the treatment. It will answer her questions and help her to work with her doctors in managing the disease.
Rheumatologist Dr. Robin J. Dibner, in clear and supportive terms, tells women what they need to know including:
- What lupus is, how it affects the body, and why women are particularly vulnerable to it (90% of Americans with lupus are women)
- The three different types of lupus (discoid lupus, systemic lupus erythematosus [SLE], and drug-induced lupus)
- How to get a correct diagnosis and understand the tests (because the symptoms are often mistaken for those of other illness, it can take three to five years to get a definitive diagnosis)
- The pros and cons of the various conventional drugs and therapies
- What the new, experimental treatments are, whom they are for, and what their risks and benefits are
- How to use stress control, diet, and exercise to prevent flare-ups and maintain health
- How to keep lupus form interfering with a normal dating and sex life and with the development of healthy relationships
- How to have a safe, though high-risk, pregnancy
The Lupus Handbook for women also includes information on the major lupus research centers, support groups, and other sources of help and information.
Living with Lupus: The Complete Guide
Second Edition, Revised and Updated by Sheldon Paul Blau, MD and Dodi Schultz; Published in 2004 by: Da Capo Press; ISBN: 0738209228
Description: Completely revised and updated, the definitive guide to maintaining a healthy lifestyle with lupus.
An estimated 1.4 million Americans, most of them women, suffer from lupus, a chronic auto-immune disease in which the immune system attacks the body. With symptoms ranging from skin rashes to kidney dysfunction, lupus is a complicated and frustrating disease, the cause of which is still unknown.
In the newly revised Living with Lupus, Sheldon Paul Blau, MD helps patients, their caregivers, and their families and friends navigate this unpredictable disease. With sound, up-to-date advice on how to interpret symptoms, find a physician, choose the right treatments and medications, avoid the environmental factors that may trigger a flare-up, and reduce the risk of complications, Living with Lupus is the essential resource for maintaining a healthy and comfortable lifestyle in spite of lupus. Full of practical suggestions, cutting-edge medical information, and moving personal stories, Living with Lupus offers hope and reassurance.
This book has dedicated a full chapter to Antiphospholipid Syndrome and pregnancy.
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (4th Edition)
by Robert G. Lahita; Published in 2004 By: Academic Press; 4 edition (May 12, 2004) ; ISBN: 0124339018
Editorial Review: From Previous Edition:”This book successfully links basic science with clinical medicine, providing a framework within which to understand this complex disease. As Lahita states in the introduction, ‘The history of discovery is now in the log phase of growth.’ The third edition of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus conveys the excitement and the breadth of this dynamic field. This volume will be an excellent resource for basic and clinical scientists, as well as for the students of immunology and rheumatology. The chapters are well-referenced and can be read independently- as befits a reference book.” -Jane E. Salmon, Weill Medical College, Cornell University, New York, USA (March 2000)
Lupus: The Facts
by Dr Graham Hughes; Published in 2000; by Oxford University Press; ISBN: 0192631454
Description: Though one of the lesser known illnesses, Lupus affects an enormous number of people worldwide (there are 1 million sufferers in the USA alone), and is far more prevalent than many better known illnesses (such as MS and leukemia). Lupus is a disease of the immune system, resulting from the over-production of antibodies. Typical first symptoms include skin rashes, hair loss, joint swellings, fever; however, it can then go on to start affecting major organs, particularly the kidneys, with a resulting risk to life. It is a disease that predominantly affects young women (between fifteen and forty). In spite of its high incidence, little has been written for the sufferer. Fortunately, the options for the Lupus sufferer have improved markedly in recent years, with the advent of self-help groups, and improved drug treatments. The long-term prognosis is therefore far more favorable now than it has been in the past. As head of the Lupus Research Unit at St Thomas’ Hospital, and life president of Lupus UK, Graham Hughes has an unsurpassed knowledge of Lupus. From a world-wide authority on the subject, Lupus: The FACTS provides the sufferer with the information they need, on a range of issues, such as diagnosis, treatment, pregnancy, and diet. Drawn from his years of experience treating patients, Dr Hughes provides the sufferer, and their family and friends, with concise, readable, information on the illness, with a book that emphasizes the immense positive contribution that they can make to improve their situation
The Lupus Book: A Guide for Patients and Their Families
by Dr. Daniel Wallace; Published in 2000 by Oxford University Press; Rev & Expand edition; ISBN: 0195132815
Description: Dr. Daniel J. Wallace is one of the world’s leading authorities on lupus, the co-author of the leading textbook, and an eminent clinician who has treated over 2000 lupus patients, the largest such practice in America. His The Lupus Book, published in 1995, was the first book written by a leading authority specifically for patients. It immediately established itself as the most readable and helpful book on the disease. Now Dr. Wallace has completely revised The Lupus Book, incorporating a wealth of new information. This revised and expanded edition discusses the newest breakthroughs in drug treatments as well as the most recent discoveries in cellular, genetic, and immunological research–all laid out in user-friendly language that any patient could understand. Readers will discover 10 new blood tests your doctor can do, over 30 new drugs introduced since 1995, an extensive table of herbs that can be used for the disorder, and a large section on cognitive therapy and biofeedback. There are new sections on topics such as cell signaling, lupus susceptibility genes, selective cox-2 inhibitors, newer immunosuppressive therapies, and osteoporosis. And as in the first edition, the book provides absolutely lucid answers to such questions as: What causes lupus? How and where is the body affected? Can a woman with lupus have a baby? And how can one manage this disease? There is also a glossary of terms and an appendix listing lupus resource materials. Over a million Americans have lupus and some tens of thousands of patients die every year from the disease. The new edition of The Lupus Book offers these patients and their families a wealth of reliable, up-to-date information that will help them manage the disease and live a happier life.
Lupus Q&A: Everything You Need to Know (Revised and Updated, 3rd Edition)
by Dr. Robert Lahita and Dr. Robert Philips; Published in 2014 by Avery Publishing Group (December 2, 2014); ISBN: 1583335455
Description: A perennial bestseller, Lupus Q&A is the go-to guide for sufferers of a chronic autoimmune disease that affects more than 1.4 million people in the United States alone. Characterized by achy joints and skin rashes, lupus often mimics other diseases, making it tricky to diagnose and treat. In this completely revised and updated edition, Dr. Robert Lahita and Dr. Robert Phillips—leading experts on lupus—discuss topics in a clear, concise, and easy-to-follow Q&A format.
Lahita and Phillips review the newest drugs and explore beneficial complementary and alternative treatments, including new data on hormone use. Demystifying everything from diagnosis to the disease’s psychological impact, Lupus Q&A prepares readers to face the challenges ahead—and to restore their health and their lives.
Coping with Lupus: A Practical Guide to Alleviating the Challenges of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (Revised and Updated, 4th Edition)
by Dr. Robert H. Phillips; Published in 2012 By: Avery Publishing Group (April 3, 2012); ISBN: 1583334459
Description: A completely updated and revised edition that provides comfort, information, strategies, and advice for those living with lupus. There is no cure for lupus, so a diagnosis of this potentially debilitating autoimmune disorder is understandably disquieting. This new edition of Coping with Lupus answers all the important questions one might have and offers practical coping strategies to help those with lupus live their lives to the fullest. Dr. Robert Phillips, the founder and director of the Center for Coping, lends his expertise in dealing with the psychological aspects of chronic health problems to address a range of issues, including: The medical facts-what lupus is, and how it is diagnosed and treated Medications, nonmedical pain-control methods, exercise, and diet Lifestyle changes to maintain optimal physical and emotional health.
The Challenges of Lupus: Insights and Hope
by Henrietta Aladjen; Published in 1998 by: Avery Publishing Group; ISBN: 0895298813
Description: Author is the founder of the Lupus Foundation of America. Compilation of forty original articles written by experts on the subject of lupus. Explains what lupus is, how it affects people in different facets of life, how it is manifested, diagnosis procedures, and the importance of the doctor-patient relationship. For consumers. Softcover.
Lupus: Everything You Need to Know
by Robert G. Lahita, Phillips; Published in 1997 By: Avery (October 1, 1997); ISBN: 0895298333
Description: One of America’s leading medical authorities teams up with one of America’s leading psychological authorities to write this informative book on lupus. In six chapters written in Q&A format based on actual questions asked by patients, the authors describe diagnosis, symptoms, treatment, medication, and the overall history and impact of the disease.
Books on Fibromyalgia
Making Sense of Fibromyalgia: New and Updated (2nd Edition)
by Dr. Daniel Wallace; Published in 2014 By: Oxford University Press (February 21, 2014); ISBN: 0199321760
Description: Six million people in the United States meet the criteria for fibromyalgia, which is a disorder characterized by a combination of pain, fatigue, and related symptoms. On average, these patients see about four doctors before they are correctly diagnosed, and many are convinced they have a life-threatening illness such as an advanced stage of cancer. About $600 billion is spent annually in the United States to diagnose or manage chronic pain, including litigation fees, and it is estimated that fibromyalgia patients run up $20 billion in medical expenses annually. Despite these alarming numbers, there is a lack of understanding and a dearth of reliable information about fibromyalgia for patients.
This fully updated edition of Making Sense of Fibromyalgia distills complex concepts and symptoms into an easily understandable narrative. Daniel J. Wallace, a leading rheumatologist at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, and Janice Brock Wallace, an expert medical writer, have updated the original classic resource, which has sold over 100,000 copies since 1999.
Making Sense of Fibromyalgia provides clear answers to common questions, explains findings from the latest research, and discusses treatment options for complex symptoms. Detailed information is provided about topics such as who gets fibromyalgia and why; how stress, hormones, and your immune system interact and relate to fibromyalgia; what conditions are associated with it; why and how you might be misdiagnosed; how to overcome fibromyalgia; and how to understand your prognosis. The authors share all there is to know about the syndrome as well as how our understanding of it has changed over time. This comprehensive companion covers the entire spectrum of issues for those suffering from fibromyalgia, as well as their families, friends, caretakers, primary care physicians, and other health professionals.
Wired for Healing – Remapping the Brain to Recover from Chronic and Mysterious Illnesses
by Annie Hopper; Published in 2014 by Friesens; First edition (October 25, 2014); ISBN: 0993890105
Description: Annie Hopper had exhausted the medical system and was still suffering from disabling symptoms of multiple chemical sensitivities, fibromyalgia and electric hypersensitivity syndrome. Hopper deduced that a toxic trauma had over-activated threat and protective mechanisms in her brain that were keeping her body stuck in a cycle of chronic illness and inflammation. In her ensuing search for healing, she created The Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS) program – a drug-free, neuroplasticity-based approach to remap neural pathways in the limbic system. Since 2008, the program has helped countless people recover from many chronic conditions that have baffled the medical system for decades, such as Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Chronic Pain, Food Sensitivities, Electric Hypersensitivity Syndrome, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Depression and Anxiety, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, Inflammatory Conditions and other Chronic Illnesses.
Wired for Healing; Remapping the Brain to Recover from Chronic and Mysterious Illnesses, is Hopper’s account of the innovative science behind DNRS and sheds light on how trauma causes the brain to disorganize neural circuits. Hopper also shares her personal recovery story as well as triumphant stories of recovery from people who have been liberated from chronic and mysterious illnesses through remapping the brain.
The book is not a replacement for the Dynamic Neural Retraining System™ DVD program or the In-person program.
Books on Chronic Illness
The Way Out: A Revolutionary, Scientifically Proven Approach to Healing Chronic Pain
by Alan Gordon, LCSW with Alon Ziv; Published in 2021 by Avery (August 24, 2021); ISBN: 059308683X
Description: Chronic pain is an epidemic. Fifty million Americans struggle with back pain, headaches, or some other pain that resists all treatment. Desperate pain sufferers are told again and again that there is no cure for chronic pain.
Alan Gordon, a psychotherapist and the founder of the Pain Psychology Center in Los Angeles, was in grad school when he started experiencing chronic pain and it completely derailed his life. He saw multiple doctors and received many diagnoses, but none of the medical treatments helped. Frustrated with conventional pain management, he developed Pain Reprocessing Therapy (PRT), a mind-body protocol that eliminated his own chronic pain and has transformed the lives of thousands of his patients.
PRT is rooted in neuroscience, which has shown that while chronic pain feels like it’s coming from the body, in most cases it’s generated by misfiring pain circuits in the brain. PRT is a system of psychological techniques that rewires the brain to break out of the cycle of chronic pain.
The University of Colorado-Boulder recently conducted a large randomized controlled study on PRT, and the results are remarkable. By the end of the study, the majority of patients were pain-free or nearly pain-free. What’s more, these dramatic changes held up over time.
The Way Out brings PRT to readers. It combines accessible science with a concrete, step-by-step plan to teach sufferers how to heal their own chronic pain.
You Don’t Look Sick: Living Well With Invisible Chronic Illness
by Joy H. Selak, Steven S. Overman; Published in 2005 by: Haworth Medical Press (March, 2005); ISBN: 0789024497
Description: You Don’t Look Sick!: Living Well with Invisible Chronic Illness chronicles a patient’s true-life stories and her physician’s compassionate commentary. This warmhearted resource helps you focus on building a meaningful life that contains illness as opposed to a life of frustration and fear. Designed for patients at all stages of the chronic illness journey, this book is also illuminating for caregivers and loved ones.
A Body Out of Balance
by Nancy Carteron, Ruth Fremes; Published in 2003 by Avery (December 1, 2003); ISBN: 1583331727
Description: A patient and a doctor offer a unique and authoritative perspective on recognizing and treating this pervasive illness that affects 4 million people-primarily women-in the United States alone.
One of the most common yet underrecognized autoimmune and rheumatological disorders, Sjogren’s (pronounced SHOW-grens) Syndrome, or SjS, is characterized by symptoms that shift almost daily, usually beginning with vague discomforts such as dry eyes and mouth, then advancing to more severe concerns such as joint pain and swollen glands. Because SjS can manifest itself differently in each patient, A Body Out of Balance provides readers with a comprehensive guide to the wide array of symptoms, traditional and complementary treatments, and invaluable coping methods so patients may devise a personal treatment plan
Provides a comprehensive guide to the wide array of symptoms, traditional and complementary treatments, and coping methods for those who are suffering from Sjogren’s syndrome. Discusses such topics as pain and fatigue, emotional issues associated with the disease, and the role of nutrition.
A Delicate Balance: Living Successfully with Chronic Illness
by Susan Milstrey Wells ; Published in 2000 by HarperCollins Publishers (July, 2000); ISBN: 0738203238
Editorial Reviews: “Chronic illness doesn’t come with an instruction manual,” says Susan Milstrey Wells–so she wrote one. Afflicted with Sjogren’s syndrome (an autoimmune disease that dries the eyes and mouth), fibromyalgia (a painful muscle disorder), and interstitial cystitis (a chronic inflammation of the bladder), she knows the ins and outs of coping with chronic illness. In A Delicate Balance, she provides a compelling mix of useful information and real-life stories (including an appendix of resource numbers for various medical and self-help organizations) to help others find the will and the way to survive and thrive.
Wells characterizes the onset of a chronic illness as the beginning of a journey toward understanding, accepting, and healing, and she organizes her book to help lead the reader on that journey. The first few chapters deal with the psychological stages of illness and the perseverance that’s often needed to get an accurate diagnosis and find a suitable health care partner. Middle chapters detail the search for treatment and the effects of chronic illness on personal relationships and the ability to work. The final chapter offers the optimistic view that chronic illness is a gift–albeit one that you don’t want and can’t give back, but that will ultimately teach you many important life lessons. Yes, chronic illness changes your life, she writes, but such change is not necessarily bad–and having a guide like this can help you through it. —Nancy Monson
Books on Other Autoimmune Diseases
Women and Autoimmune Disease: The Mysterious Ways Your Body Betrays Itself
by Robert G. Lahita, Ina Yalof; Published in 2004 by: Regan Books; ISBN: 006008149X
Description: Autoimmune diseases—including chronic fatigue syndrome, vasculitis, juvenile diabetes, alopecia, Graves’ disease, Sjogren’s syndrome, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and multiple sclerosis—are among the hottest topics in the medical community. Although these diseases express themselves in different ways, in all of them, the body’s immune system begins to attack normally functioning, healthy cells. Despite the recent surge in interest and research, these fascinating diseases are highly mysterious, frequently misdiagnosed, and controversial in cause and treatment. They are often interconnected in ways that are both misunderstood and life-threatening. And one of the biggest puzzles is why 80 percent of autoimmune disease sufferers are women.
In this authoritative yet thoroughly approachable guide, world-class immunologist Dr. Robert Lahita brings to bear his years of intensive research, patient care, and diagnostic acumen to shed light on the mysteries of these conditions, with a particular focus on how they affect—and how he treats—women.
One of the world’s foremost authorities on the subject, Dr. Lahita strikes a refreshing balance between medical explanation and readability. Through the use of case studies, he describes the early warning signs (including minor triggers such as headaches, nausea, or exhaustion), symptoms, diagnostic processes, and the latest and most innovative treatments for the familiar—as well as many of the lesser known—autoimmune diseases. This scientifically sound, grounded, thorough, and sensitive work will be greeted with appreciation by anyone who wants to better understand these perplexing and often debilitating diseases.
Living Well with Autoimmune Disease
by Mary J. Shomon; Published in 2002 by HarperResource; 1st edition; ISBN: 0060938196
Description: Autoimmune diseases affect 50 million Americans, mostly women, who frequently remain undiagnosed and untreated, or are treated ineffectively. Living Well with Autoimmune Disease helps readers pinpoint symptoms, find the right practitioner, and learn cutting-edge approaches to reduce symptoms and reverse their disease.
Author Mary Shomon, who has the immune disease Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, explains how the immune system is supposed to work, and what can go wrong. Then she discusses more than 20 specific autoimmune diseases—such as chronic fatigue syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, lupus, thyroid disease, Graves’ disease, rheumatoid arthritis, type 1 diabetes, fibromyalgia, scleroderma, and multiple sclerosis. For each, she covers symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment.
What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Autoimmune Disorders
by Deborah Mitchell, Stephen B. Edelson; Published in 2003 by Warner Books; ISBN: 0446679240
Description: Autoimmune disorders are not well understood and therefore difficult to treat. The result is that there are millions of Americans who are suffering because they aren’t being diagnosed properly, or getting the correct medical treatment they need. Here, Dr. Edelson discusses the most common types of autoimmune diseases, including lupus, Chron’s disease, thyroid disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and chronic fatigue syndrome, outlining their symptoms, causes, and risk factors. He describes his own revolutionary program for treating the root of all autoimmune disorders-without drugs-providing readers with new hope for getting back on the road to better health.
Thriving With Your Autoimmune Disorder: A Woman’s Mind-Body Guide
by Simone Ravicz Ph.D. M.B.A.; Published in 2000 by New Harbinger Publications; ISBN: 1572241896
Description: Women facing chronic pain and illness due to multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic fatigue, and other autoimmune disorders have a new place to look for encouragement. In this comprehensive and caring guide, Simone Ravicz presents a wide range of suggestions for not merely enduring illness but finding ways to thrive in spite of it. Ravicz herself suffers from autoimmune disorders. As she researched her own diseases, she encountered a shocking lack of helpful information and resolved to gather everything she’d learned for others to use. From tackling inner demons to addressing stress, diet, exercise, and medication, Thriving with Your Autoimmune Disorder outlines a complete self-help course for optimizing every day.
Rheumatoid Arthritis : Everything You Need to Know
by Robert G. Lahita; Published in 2001 by Avery (August 6, 2001); ISBN: 1583331018
Description: A practical question-and-answer guide addressing the most common concerns about rheumatoid arthritis.
Rheumatoid arthritis is one of the most common forms of arthritis, affecting nearly 7 million people in the United States. This debilitating disease of the immune system affects four times as many women as men.
Written by a leading expert on autoimmune diseases, this book is an invaluable resource that answers the most frequently asked questions about rheumatoid arthritis. It educates the reader on what the disease is, its causes, symptoms, and treatments, including revolutionary new drugs, herbs, and conventional remedies.
The Sjogren’s Book (4th Edition)
by Steven Carsons (Editor), Elaine K. Harris (Editor); Published in 2011 by Oxford University Press (October 3, 2011); ISBN: 0199737223
Description: Afflicting one in seventy Americans, Sjögren’s syndrome is an autoimmune disease that commonly causes dryness of the eyes, mouth, and nose, and that can lead to complications including profound fatigue, depression, and lymphoma. While there is no cure for Sjögren’s, much can be done to
alleviate the suffering of patients. This extensively revised handbook offers everything you need to know to cope with this disease.
The Sjögren’s Book, Fourth Edition is a comprehensive and authoritative guide, produced by the Sjögren’s Syndrome Foundation and its medical advisors and edited by physician Daniel J. Wallace, a leading authority on autoimmune disorders. This expanded edition provides readers with the best medical
and practical information on this disorder, bringing together the current thinking about Sjögren’s in an easily readable and understandable book, with an entirely new section on lifestyle issues aimed at improving the quality of life for Sjögren’s sufferers. With more than thirty chapters written by
leading experts, the handbook illuminates the major clinical aspects of the syndrome and is loaded with practical tips and advice. Indeed, it offers a wide-ranging look at the many faces of Sjögren’s, covering diagnosis, the various organ systems that can be affected, the possible psychological problems, and the many treatment options, as well as a concluding chapter listing the web, print, and media resources available. It is a valuable aid that patients can use while discussing their illness with their physician and an excellent resource for family members. And because Sjögren’s is greatly underdiagnosed, this handbook is a particularly valuable resource for healthcare professionals.
Recognized as the bible for Sjögren’s suffers, this reliable and informative guide is the first place for patients to look when they have questions about this little known but serious chronic disease.
The Sjogren’s Syndrome Survival Guide
by Teri P., Ph.D. Rumpf, Katherine Morland Hammitt; Published in 2003 by New Harbinger Publications (March, 2003); ISBN: 1572243562
Description: Sjogren’s syndrome, currently the most prevalent autoimmune disorder in America, is disease in which the body mistakenly attacks its own moisture-producing glands in the eyes, mouth, skin, and vagina, disrupting the function of the internal organs and central nervous system. Written by two Sjogren’s sufferers, this book provides medical information, research results, treatment methods, and suggestions for coping with this often debilitating disease.
Raynaud’s Phenomenon
by Jay D. Coffman; Published in 1989 by Icon Health Publications ; ISBN: 0195057562
Description: This book presents the most up-to-date knowledge concerning Raynaud’s disease, an autoimmune disorder distinguished by well-demarcated blanching or cyanosis of one or more digits on exposure to cold, that occurs in episodic attacks. Especially common among young women, researchers estimate that the phenomenon may affect up to 10% of the female population. The volume provides coverage of the disease as a primary illness and as the secondary result of another disorder. The only available text on Raynaud’s, the book includes a comprehensive discussion of the physiology of finger blood flow, and coverage of both old and new treatment modalities. Readers will find full information on the anatomy of the disease, the clinical picture, prevalence, diagnosis, prognosis, pathology, pathophysiology, and the author’s personal treatment preferences, which are backed by 30 years of professional experience with peripheral vascular diseases.
The Official Patient’s Sourcebook on Raynaud’s Phenomenon: A Revised and Updated Directory for the Internet Age
by Icon Health Publications; Published in 2003 by Icon Health Publications ; ISBN: 0597835349
Description: This sourcebook has been created for patients who have decided to make education and Internet-based research an integral part of the treatment process. Although it gives information useful to doctors, caregivers and other health professionals, it also tells patients where and how to look for information covering virtually all topics related to raynaud’s phenomenon, from the essentials to the most advanced areas of research. The title of this book includes the word official. This reflects the fact that the sourcebook draws from public, academic, government, and peer-reviewed research. Selected readings from various agencies are reproduced to give you some of the latest official information available to date on raynaud’s phenomenon.
Other Related Books
100 Questions & Answers About Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism
by Andra H. James; Published in May 2007 by Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc.; 1 edition; ISBN: 0763741051
Description: Nearly two million Americans are affected annually by deep vein thrombosis. Whether you’re a newly diagnosed patient, or a loved one of someone suffering from this disease, this book offers help. The only text available to provide both the doctor’s and patient’s views, 100 Questions & Answers About Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism gives you authoritative, practical answers to your questions. Written by two prominent physicians , Drs. James and Ortel, with “insider” advice from actual patients, this book is an invaluable resource for anyone coping with the physical and emotional turmoil of this condition.
The Coumadin Cookbook: A Guide to Healthy Meals When Taking Coumadin (4th Edition)
by Rene, Md Desmarais, Greg Golden, Gail Beynon; Published in 20o5 by: Marsh Pub Co; ISBN: 0966430824 or 0966430816
Description: If you are on Coumadin patient, or if you are taking any other anti-coagulant, the amount of Vitamin K you consume each day is crucial to a stable PT/INR. The prothrombin time/INR is the test your doctor uses to make sure your Coumadin dose is within the desired therapeutic range.
A stable PT/INR is crucial to your good health.
- Eat food you thought you could no longer eat on a daily basis!
- Entertain family and friends and eliminate the guesswork when planning meals.
- Restaurants can be fun again! Take with you the list of foods low in Vitamin K (located in the back of the book)!
If you or a family member are using Coumadin (warfarin sodium Tablets, USP) Crystalline or any of the Coumadin anti-coagulants, then take a look inside.
This book will be a constant reference for preparing meals and dining out that you will use again and again.
The I-Can’t-Chew Cookbook: Delicious Soft Diet Recipes for People with Chewing, Swallowing, and Dry Mouth Disorders
by Mark A., Dmd, M.D. Piper (Foreword), J. Randy Wilson; Published in 2003 by: Hunter House Publishers; 2nd edition (June, 2003); ISBN: 0897934008
Description: When a medical condition forced his wife to eat only soft foods, the author developed 200 recipes that were soft, nutritious, and delicious. Containing recipes for soups, main dishes, vegetables, and desserts, this unique cookbook will help non-chewers fully enjoy their meals.
Coping With Prednisone and Other Cortisone-Related Medicines : It May Work Miracles, but How Do You Handle the Side Effects?
by Eugenia Zukerman, Julie R. Ingelfinger; Published in 1997 by St. Martin’s Press; ISBN: 0312155026
Description: From Library Journal: Prednisone has been dubbed a “wonder drug” because of its effectiveness in treating everything from asthma and rheumatoid arthritis to kidney disease and organ transplants; however, long-term use may cause side effects such as bloating, weight gain, and depression. Zukerman, a renowned flutist and arts correspondent for CBS’s Sunday Morning, discovered prednisone’s down sides when she took it to treat a rare lung disease. With her sister, a physician at Massachusetts General Hospital, Zukerman has written an empathetic, easy-to-understand, and factually accurate guide that offers suggestions, recipes, and exercises for relieving the drug’s unpleasantness. She includes additional information about the chemistry, preparations, dosage, and a bibliography about the medication. Despite a few generalizations (rheumatoid arthritis is serious but not life-threatening), this work is recommended for consumer health collections, although readers taking the drug will want to buy their own copies. A more thorough source for libraries is the annual Complete Drug Reference 1997 (St. Martin’s, 1996), which covers 10,000 drugs.
Lippincott’s Nursing Drug Guide
by Amy M. Karch; Published in 2005 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; ISBN: 1582554366
Description: Updated with dozens of newly approved drugs and indications, 2006 Lippincott’s Nursing Drug Guide contains over 800 complete drug monographs, organized alphabetically. Each monograph covers generic name; US and Canadian trade names; pregnancy risk category; controlled substance schedule if appropriate; drug class; therapeutic actions; indications, including off-label indications; contraindications and cautions; available forms; dosages; pharmacokinetics; I.V. facts; adverse effects; interactions; nursing considerations; assessment; interventions; and teaching points.
The book includes a full-color photoguide to pills and capsules, details on preventing and reporting medication errors, a quick-reference chart of normal laboratory test values, and over 20 appendices. Updates and continuing education tests are on NursingDrugGuide.com.
Mosby’s Drug Guide for Nurses (6th Edition)
by Linda Skidmore-Roth; Published in 2004 by C.V. Mosby ; ISBN: 0323030602
Description: Mosby’s Drug Guide for Nurses, 6th Edition is a portable, current drug handbook containing information on more than 60 drug classifications and 4,000 individual generic and trade name drugs. Developed to meet student needs, this handbook includes detailed coverage of IV drugs; extensive coverage of interactions between drugs, drug classes, herbs, foods, and lab tests; a full-color drug identification guide; and a drug classification section covering groups of drugs by function. A disorders index helps the student locate information about drugs commonly used to treat more than 70 disorders. Special features promote safe medication administration and prevention of drug errors, including identification of high alert drugs, Do-Not-Crush and Nursing Alert icons, special Do-Not-Confuse headings, and guidelines for overdose treatment. Combination drugs are covered in an extensive appendix listing alphabetical brand names along with the products’ generic components and dosages.
Springhouse Nurse’s Drug Guide
(Book with CD-ROM for Windows)
by Springhouse; Published in 2001 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; ISBN: 1582551243
Description: Quick reference includes an A-to-Z organization, nursing process for every drug, and a CD-ROM and Internet updates. Includes full color photos of more than 300 capsules and tablets, pronunciations of generic drug names, and regular e-mail notifications of drug updates on dDrugInfo.com. For nurses and students.
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Founded in 2005, the APS Foundation of America, Inc. is dedicated to fostering and facilitating joint efforts in the areas of education, public awareness, research, and patient services for Antiphospholipid Syndrome (APS) in an effective and ethical manner.
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DISCLAIMER: The APS Foundation of America, Inc. website is not intended to replace standard doctor-patient visits, physical examination, and medical testing. Information given to members is only an opinion. All information should be confirmed with your doctor. Always seek a trained physician's advice before seeking any new treatment regarding your medical diagnosis or condition. Any information received from the APS Foundation of America, Inc. website is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure. This site is for informational purposes only. Please note that we will list all donors' or purchasers' names on the donor page of our foundation site. If you do not want your name listed, please get in touch with us to opt-out. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately.