6th Annual APSFA Holiday Giving Tree - 2011

This tree holds a special meaning for the members of the APS Foundation of America, Inc and the community it serves.  Since the Giving Tree has been such a big success in the past, we've made it an annual tradition.

The APSFA Holiday Giving Tree is our largest fundraiser of the year and also wraps up the holiday giving season as well as the end of the year donations. Thanks to your very generous donations, we raised $2075.00 during our Holiday Giving Tree fundraiser! Donor names can be found below the decorated tree!

Thank you for considering the APSFA for your holiday donations and for your continued support!

CLICK HERE to see past Giving Trees: 2014 |2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006

Yellow: Tammy Viola ♥ Tammy Spice ♥ Angie Zehr
Blood Drop: Fred Wolfe ♥ Kim Trow in honor of Dr. Julian Ambrus ♥ Denise Pool ♥ Melanie Pate in memory of Avery & Jackson ♥ Donna Tracey in honor of Tom & his family
Dragonfly: Christina Pohlman in memory of Terri Smock ♥ Annell Grant in memory of my angel babies ♥ Lois Allion ♥ Mary & Michael Creekmore in memory of Michael B Creekmore II ♥ Clorinda Sheridan
Snowflake: John Steininger ♥ Jennifer Finazzo ♥ Mary & Michael Creekmore in memory of Michael B Creekmore II ♥ Marcia & John Winter ♥ Carolyn Bartuska in memory of Angela
Silver Star: Raymond & Joanne Manez in honor of Marioga Papaspanoudis ♥ Robert & Mildred Long in memory of Ian Kennington ♥ Martha Callaghan in honor of Emma ♥ Jennifer Spreigl in memory of my Angel Aiden
Gold Star: Christina Zierau

Blue Gift: Jo Ann Colvin ♥ Anonymous ♥ Frances & Cletus Brown in honor of John Edward (Jack) Petersen ♥ Joan & Watson Fearing in honor of Ken Fearing (2) ♥ Craig Fetherston ♥ Gurjit Sandhu ♥ Anonymous
Green Gift: Robert Waldman (2)
Red Gift: Leslie Deshler ♥ Jo Ann Colvin ♥ Richard Klemm in honor of Michelle Klemm ♥ Craig Fetherston ♥ Gurjit Sandhu


We would like to thank each and every one of the wonderful people who made such generous donations to decorate our Giving Tree. We hope that you will consider making a donation to decorate next year's tree as well!

If you have made a donation and do not see your name or ornament after we have added them all, please contact us.

Page last update: 10/31/2017

The APS Foundation of America, Inc. website and forums are both volunteer run and funded by donations to the APSFA.

Website hosted by Dreamhost. Website created and maintained by Heidi P.

DISCLAIMER: APS Foundation of America, Inc. website is not intended to replace standard doctor-patient visits, physical examination, and medical testing. Information given to members is only an opinion. All information should be confirmed with your personal doctor. Always seek the advice of a trained physician in person before seeking any new treatment regarding your medical diagnosis or condition. Any information received from APS Foundation of America, Inc. website is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure. This site is for informational purposes only. Please note that we will be listing all donor or purchaser's names on the Donor page of our foundation site. If you do not want your name listed, please contact us to opt out. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately.

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