Welcome to our 2007 Holiday Giving Tree!

Thank you to everyone who donated to decorate our tree! Because of your generous donations, we were able to raise $1095 with this year's Giving Tree!

This tree holds a special meaning for the members of the APS Foundation of America, Inc and the community it serves.  And since the Giving Tree has been such a big success, we will be making this an annual tradition.

Thank you again to everyone who donated!

CLICK HERE to see past Giving Trees: 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006

Yellow: Robert Whinnem, Shannon Williams
Blue: The Pohlman Family, Diane & Harold Lyons
Purple: Lauren Medina
Bobby & Kathy Williams, Irma & Jesus Munoz
Jennifer Murphy, Vikki McBride
Aqua: Betty & Milt Wisler
Silver: Julie Ridl, Francine Bishop, Julie Markos, Hilary Weiner
Gold: Gina Koenig

Pink Heart: Elaine McGonagle ~ In honor of Kirsten Wolff (Silver),
Tina Pohlman ~ In memory of Grandma D (Yellow),
Susan Steffer ~ In honor of Jenni Hostettler's baby (Red),
Allyne O'Connel ~ In honor of Tina Pohlman (Aqua),
Ian O'Connell ~ In memory of Grandma Ruthie (Green),
Nancy Pilonieta ~ In memory of my sweet baby girl, Crystal Rose - stillborn 10/7/05 (Yellow),
Linda Bankoski ~ In honor of Marcia Winter (Silver),
Julie Hymovitch ~ In honor of the birth of Evan Hymovitch (Red),
Lauren Medina ~ In memory of Lance & Lauren's baby (Blue),
Sally Anson ~ In loving memory of my dear friend, Bets (Silver),
Candance Czernicki ~ In memory of Len Czernicki (Yellow),
Delores Sam ~ In memory of Eric Blackburn, loving father & husband. We miss you greatly. (Blue)

Red Package: Legacy Sound Contracting, Gina Koenig (2), Cletus Brown ~ In honor of Judith Petersen


Page last reviewed: 10/31/2017

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