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Personal Medical Stories

Stella Never Had A Chance

Stella Never Had a Chance

Written by: Kenneth Gunther

Tara's APS Story

Written by: Tara Jensen

Terry's Journey with APS

Written by: Terry Fuhr

The Gift of the Blue Balloon ~ Daniela's Story

written by: Daniela Kowal

The Two Year Road To My APS Diagnosis

Written by: Kevin McAllorum

The Winding Path ~ Dana's Story

written by Dana Stuart

What Your Spouse Doesn't Know Can Kill Them: Discovering My Wife Has APS

Written by: Tony Gilbert

"We Have a Sick Puppy Here"

written by Abby Murphy

A Canadian Girl Fighting for Help

written by Loren Gibbs

Living with APS

written by Kisha Greene Tarlton

APS and Me

written by Haley Rica Eason

Shari's APS Story

written by Shari Akers

My Husband, Nathan's APS Story

written by Clare Polencheck

My APS Story ~ Susan's Story

written by Susan "Lexis" Portelance

The Other Guy

written by Gary Robertson

Why Me?

written by Anna Exposito from Barcelona, Spain

Through the Eyes of APS

written by Lori Sullivan

A Special Type of Lupus

written by Rosa Sosa

My Body is a Battlefield

written by David Deicher

Willie's APS Story

written by Willie Ruona

APS: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

written by Michelle Klemm

APS & CAPS Galore

Written by: Stephane Bedard

A Letter to APS

Written by: Rebecca Jarquin

Catastrophic APS Sucks!

Written by: Kitt Ray

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The APS Foundation of America, Inc. website and forums are both volunteer run and funded by donations to the APSFA.

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DISCLAIMER: APS Foundation of America, Inc. website is not intended to replace standard doctor-patient visits, physical examination, and medical testing. Information given to members is only an opinion. All information should be confirmed with your personal doctor. Always seek the advice of a trained physician in person before seeking any new treatment regarding your medical diagnosis or condition. Any information received from APS Foundation of America, Inc. website is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure. This site is for informational purposes only. Please note that we will be listing all donor or purchaser's names on the Donor page of our foundation site. If you do not want your name listed, please contact us to opt out. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately.

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