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Medication Information - Anticoagulants

Literacy, readability and cultural barriers: critical factors to consider when educating older African Americans about anticoagulation therapy

Journal of Clinical Nursing Volume 12 Page 275 - March 2003 doi:10.1046/j.1365-2702.2003.00711.x

Warfarin Dose Adjustment

Remember: 1. Always consider trend in INRs when making warfarin management decisions. 2. Consider repeating INR same day or next day if observed value markedly different than expected value. Mayo Protocol Reviewed 9/27/04


Copyright 1996-2003 Cerner Multum, Inc. Version: 8.01. Revision date: 5/13/03.

Anticoagulation Service - Links to Serveral Guidelines

The University of Michigan Anticoagulation Service consists of a team of nurses, pharmacists, physicians, and clerical staff whose goal is to provide safe and effective anticoagulant therapy to patients at risk of thrombosis. Anticoagulation Clinic staff assist physicians seeking advice on the optimal management of patients requiring anticoagulant therapy, provide patient education, and coordinate the periodic monitoring and dose adjustment of warfarin and other anticoagulant drugs. Both inpatients and outpatients can be referred to the Anticoagulation Service. Outpatient Anticoagulation Clinics, which provide point-of-care INR monitoring, are located at the University of Michigan Health System facilities.

Of Blood, Bones, and Broccoli: Warfarin–Vitamin K Interactions

Home Healthcare Nurse March 2004 Volume 22 Number 3 Pages 178 - 182

Coumadin (Warfarin)

Revised: 01/01/2007

Warfarin Dose Adjustment

Reviewed 9/27/04


Warfarin does not need to be stopped before primary care dental surgical procedures Date of original preparation: July 2001 Date of first revision: March 2004 Date of next revision: March 2006


The first part of this page is about treating a high INR. If you are looking for advice about multivitamins, go to the last section. Vitamin K is an antidote for warfarin. This applies whether you are treating a high INR, looking for a multivitamin to take, stopping a multivitamin, or thinking about changing what you eat.

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