Our Generous Donors


Without your donations, the APS Foundation of America, Inc would still be just a support forum and informative website. We’ve grown immensely in the past 5 years and we hope, with your support, we will be able to continue to grow as a foundation and bring much needed awareness to APS.

Please note, we generally do our book keeping on a quarterly basis, which may delay the posting of donor names. Tina does our book keeping and she is also an APS & Lupus patient. Your patience and understanding is greatly appreciated!

We currently have 4 different levels of donors – Platinum ($1000 or more), Gold ($500 – $999), Silver ($100 – $499), and Bronze (up to $100). Please scroll down to see our wonderful donors!

Past Donors: 202020192018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007

Donations of $1000 or more

Universal Animation, Inc
Cynthia & Michael Stollar

Donations of $500-999

Ashok & Ami Parekh
Brantley Jace
George King Bio-Medical, Inc.

Donations of $100-499

Francine Bishop
Robyn Meeks
Laurie O’Toole
Ryan Holzer
Kathleen Bolin
B David Stollar
Donna Gallant
Michael Standart
Frances Cobb Roberts-Howell
Joanne Wasak
Thomas Scott Mitchell
Cindi Stancheck Gall
Donna Asmann
James Phegley
Juliana E Mitchell
Jo Ann Colvin
Linda Farias
Diane & David Asciutto
Eugene Simonetti
Scott Perreault
Lynn & Dennis Rissman
Aldona Principef
Joe & Cathy Moffa
Leah Mayersohn
Vanessa H Carosella
Rebecca Brandon
Terry Grimes
Robert Feldgreber
David & Juli Dreifuss
Susan Todd
Susan B Stern
Marita Hattem-Schiffman
Michael Standart
Frank & Kathy Moss
Jerry & Diane Alvery

Donations up to $99

Tami Leeberg
Katherine Drake
Becky Erickson
Theresa Roeder
Jennifer Cobbs
Judy Delegal Galloway
Mike Willard
Daniel Clayville
Sherry Pickett Fanara
Mike Willard
Jenn Providenti Gallegos
Shannon Pearle
Breanne Fortner
Lonnie Nanci
Janice Barnette-Skrip
Susan Serveido Cerasoli
Susan Patti
Pam Sargent
Stephanie Palmer
Judy Delegal Galloway
Judy Collins
Shari Dugan
Nancy Moudry
Judy Rowley
Kirk Wilson
Theodore Phillip Webster
Tom Mitchell
Jacqueline Rapp
Michael Colandino
Tracy Lynn Edgar
Karen Shaw
Betsy Sue
Denise Setzer
Alison Blackburn Rodriguez
Jessica Blackburn Wyman
Larry R. Apfel Jr.
Andrea MacDonald
Marcia Gunnink Ackerman
Bruce Cavallari
Dave Nelson
Trisha Mannarino
Janis Lonnquist Klebig
Jen Singer
Dean Timperley
Joni Rodgers
Amanda Martin Smeltz
Judith Zayas
Angie Zehr
Tracy Lynn Edgar
Martha C Callaghan
Syzanne Knosp
Nan Smith
Debra Massey
Patty Bakes
Herman Gugig
Olivia Lennan
Judith Ann
Sara Modenessi
Emily Hampson
Elizabeth Arney
Alanna Opal
April Matera Patiro
Lori Allison
Katsy Dunn Collins
Becky Bennett Catron
Michele Pytel
Christine Jeffers
Antonia Paxton
Kelly Kossow-Morgan
Amy Lavelle
Beverly Moore
Marsha Wagner Tejeda
Polly Ann Mackey
Paul Spina
Esther Spencer Begle
Janet Baynes Repetsky
Tina Marie Pohlman
Lou Ann Johnson
Stan Patiro
Judy Gullie
Lotus R Winslow
Vickie Leftwich Tutor
Darlene Whaley
Sheridan Smith
Bekah Douglas
Mark Douglas
Gayla Codding Holmes
Miranda Lightholder-Betz
Colin J Kelly
Princess Leeann Fonteneou
Newman Stephanie
Danette DiRubbio
Bethany Heath
Tina Springer Wagner
Katie Summerlot
Michelle Carswell Pritchard
Laura Kilpatrick
Lila T Ford
Florence Marshall Bobo
Nancy Zakaras Brown
Kim Callow
Sharon McCormack
Rob Swift
Tina Reichwein Ferrazzoli
Sheila Lynch
Christine Coughlin Poerchke
Linda Carter
Cynthia Gonzalez
Samantha Marie
Alicia Pousada
Carleen B. Clayville
Amy King Cole
Paula Mastroeni Vacca
Mia Pelt
Lisa P. Roberts
Frank Wilkinson
Amanda Hertzog
Maria Watson-Panich
Pauline DeFusco
Patricia Ramirez
Debbie Rich
Diane Ritter Dawson
Trina Orear
Sheri Dugan
Kristen Bartholow
Jennifer Blake
Rocio Catalina Mendoza Izarra
Erica Wilkerson Saltsman
Kathy Gilliland
Courtney Collins
Diane Ritter Dawson
Tom Mitchell
Donna Jewell-Horvath
Donna & George Haley
Richard & Grace Hancock
Marion & Neil Dugan
Terry Lynn Kettle
Ashley McNabb
NiGere Epps
Stacy Wilson
Roni Patterson
Jamie Helton
Jeanine Cervantes
Lou Ann Johnson
Donna Jewell-Horvath
Jodi Dubree
Marsha Rose
Michael Herron
Julie Bigham
Fortkamp Family
Lorraine Rusinak
Susan Camasta
Allison Botte
Dorothy Rosen
Brianna Wiatrak
Stacey Fears
Addie Zinter
Nancy & Timothy Lapella
Shirley Becker
Elizabeth S Jones
Susan Bailey
Tina Pohlman
Paul Spina
Lynn Morris
Kara Rykowski
Courtney Collins
Marcela Kalina
Aron Cabrera
James Phegley
Michelle Faith Brown
Lonne K Mackie
Barbara Barnett
Marianne Nelson
William Rosenfeld
Jodi Dubree
Liz Reedy
Jennifer & Matt Opprecht
Joan Nelson
George & Althea Coussoule
Ann Gronowski
Becky Catron
Elizabeth Heath
Jesse Lay
Laura Kibler
Raechel Troy Buchanan
Diana Wimmer
Lonnie Nancy
Ginny White

And All Our Wonderful Facebook Donors


Donations made in Memory of a loved one

A donation was made by the following in loving memory of

Benjamin Schoedel

Universal Animation, Inc
A donation was made by the following in loving memory of

Karen Samples

Greg & Roxanna Hall & Family
Vickery Family
Kathleen Bolin
A donation was made by the following in loving honor of

Michael Stollar

David & Carol Stollar
A donation was made by the following in loving memory of

Noreen Cuono

Richard & Grace Hancock
Juliana E Mitchell
A donation was made by the following in loving memory of

Camilla Rubino

Marion & Neil Dugan
A donation was made by the following in loving memory of

Candy Ferguson

Jodi Dubree
A donation was made by the following in loving memory of

Larry Barnett

Marsha Rose
Michael Herron
Lynn & Dennis Rissman
Julie Bigham
Fortkamp Family
Susan Camasta
Terry Grimes
Dorothy Rosen
David & Juli Dreifuss
Shirley Becker
Susan B Stern
Cincinnati Bell Team RCMAC
A donation was made by the following in loving memory of

Marco Frasca

Aldona Principe
Joe & Cathy Moffa
Leah Mayersohn
Vanessa H Carosella
A donation was made by the following in loving memory of

Lisa Shtypowany

Lorraine Rusinak
Nancy & Timothy Lapella
Elizabeth S Jones
A donation was made by the following in loving memory of

Walter Rykowski

Kara Rykowski
Vicky Rykowski
A donation was made by the following in loving memory of

Natasha Reedy

Liz Reedy
A donation was made by the following in loving memory of

Jessica Kidd-Vogelpohl

Jerry & Diane Alvery

Our Mission

Founded in 2005, the APS Foundation of America, Inc. is dedicated to fostering and facilitating joint efforts in the areas of education, public awareness, research, and patient services for Antiphospholipid Syndrome (APS) in an effective and ethical manner.


APS Foundation of America, Inc.
P. O. Box 801
LaCrosse, WI 54602-0801

DISCLAIMER: APS Foundation of America, Inc. website is not intended to replace standard doctor-patient visits, physical examination, and medical testing. Information given to members is only an opinion. All information should be confirmed with your personal doctor. Always seek the advice of a trained physician in person before seeking any new treatment regarding your medical diagnosis or condition. Any information received from APS Foundation of America, Inc. website is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure. This site is for informational purposes only. Please note that we will be listing all donor or purchaser's names on the Donor page of our foundation site. If you do not want your name listed, please contact us to opt out. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately.