Our Generous Donors


Without your donations, the APS Foundation of America, Inc would still be just a support forum and informative website. We’ve grown immensely in the past 5 years and we hope, with your support, we will be able to continue to grow as a foundation and bring much needed awareness to APS.

Please note, we generally do our book keeping on a quarterly basis, which may delay the posting of donor names. Tina does our book keeping and she is also an APS & Lupus patient. Your patience and understanding is greatly appreciated!

We currently have 4 different levels of donors – Platinum ($1000 or more), Gold ($500 – $999), Silver ($100 – $499), and Bronze (up to $100). Please scroll down to see our wonderful donors!

Past Donors: 2020201920182017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007

Donations of $1000 or more

Stacie Roloff in memory of Tom Roloff

Donations of $500-999

Diana Alvey in memory of Jessica Kidd-Vogelpohl
George King Bio-Medical, Inc
Joan Pollitt in memory of Steve Litt

Donations of $100-499

Christine Turner in memory of Ernest Morgenshtern
David & Karan Armstrong in memory of Marianna Kelley
Debra Chumsky in honor of Jonathan Lebo
Diana Alvey in memory of Jessica Kidd-Vogelpohl
Frankie & Barbara Litt in memory of Steve Litt
Heather & Matthew Zifrony in memory of Steve Litt
Laurie O’Toole
Marc Baumslag in memory of Ernest Morgenshtern
Morganti Group, Inc in memory of Scott Erickson
PrepNet in honor of Grand River Prepartory High School
Richard & Sheila Stahl in memory of Tom Roloff
Stacey Follman in memory of Steve Litt

Donations up to $99

Andrew & Angela Roloff in memory of Tom Roloff
Ann Ricketts in memory of Steve Litt
Beverly Weinberg in memory of Steve Litt
Bruce & Nancy Frank in memory of Steve Litt
Bruce & Paula Freidson in memory of Steve Litt
Christopher & Meryll Page in memory of Steve Litt
Christopher Meadows in honor of Ekos
Clifford & Barbara Gerstenhaber in memory of Steve Litt
David & Nancy Goldstein in memory of Steve Litt
David & Wendy Devin in memory of Steve Litt
David Assef in memory of Steve Litt
Deborah Simon in memory of Steve Litt
Dian Marie Conti in memory of Kevin Cross
Ellen J Kleinbaum in memory of Steve Litt
Florence Wilk in memory of Steve Litt
Gary & Eleanor Singer in memory of Steve Litt
Gerry & Dee Mann in memory of Steve Litt
Gregory & Jodie Arkin in memory of Tom Roloff
Heather Anderson
Howard & Sharon Epstein in memory of Steve Litt
Isaac & Elizabeth Perron in memory of Tom Roloff
James & Judith Nagle in memory of Scott Erickson
Jeff & Cathy Molever in memory of Steve Litt
Jeffery & Eileen Silver in memory of Steve Litt
Jeffery & Marcy Smith in memory of Tom Roloff
Jenifer Kaplan in memory of Steve Litt
Jenn Zurowski in memory of Steve Litt
Jennifer Benowitz in memory of Steve Litt
Jeremy Gottstein in memory of Steve Litt
Joan Reichert in memory of Steve Litt
John & Conni Potratz in memory of Tom Roloff
Jonathon Sedlacek in memory of Larry Cambell
Joseph & Jo Ann Stryker in memory of Jessica Kidd-Vogelpohl
Kenneth & Molly Garelick in memory of Steve Litt
Kenneth Munao
Kevin O’Leary in memory or Ernest Morgenshtern
Lisa Frank in memory of Steve Litt
Lisa Qualls in memory of James Schreiber
Mariana Chapela
Marilyn & Larry Barenbaum in memory of Steve Litt
Martha Church
Mary Osborn in memory of Steve Litt
Michael & Dona Rodich in memory of Steve Litt
Michael & Linda Fiterman in memory of Steve Litt
Michael Pysno in memory of Steve Litt
Mollie Semmer in memory of Steve Litt
Pamela & Robert Nichols in memory of Kevin Cross
Paul & Sharon Koch in memory of Tom Roloff
Peni & Steve Gensler in memory of Steve Litt
Randall & Lory Herman in memory of Steve Litt
Ruth Paley in memory of Steve Litt
Sandra Rudoy in memory of Steve Litt
Sandra Teichner in memory of Steve Litt
Sheila Zingler-Gilbert in memory of Tom Roloff
Steven & Bonnie Heller in memory of Steve Litt
Steven Newstead in memory of Steve Litt
Susan Baron in memory of Steve Litt
Susan Gerwe in memory of Jessican Kidd-Vogelpohl
Tara Berberich in memory of Tom Roloff
Terry & Jack Appleman in memory of Steve Litt
Tim Bauernfeind in memory of Steve Litt
Wendy & Jeff Fox Barin in memory of Steve Litt
Alexander Thomas in memory of J Patrick Thomas

And All Our Wonderful Facebook Donors

Donations made in Memory of a loved one

A donation was made by the following in loving memory of

Jessica Kidd-Vogelpohl

Joseph & Jo Ann Stryker
Susan Gerwe
Diana Alvey
A donation was made by the following in loving memory of

Steven Litt

Frankie & Barbara Litt
Michael & Linda Fiterman
Christopher & Meryll Page
Kenneth & Molly Garelick
Clifford & Barbara Gerstenhaber
Steven & Bonnie Heller
Heather & Matthew Zifrony
Marilyn & Larry Barenbaum
Gary & Eleanor Singer
Michael & Dona Rodich
Terry & Jack Appleman
Howard & Sharon Epstein
Jeff & Cathy Molever
Jeffery & Eileen Silver
Randall & Lory Herman
Bruce & Nancy Frank
David & Nancy Goldstein
David & Wendy Devin
Bruce & Paula Freidson
Deborah Simon
Peni & Steve Gensler
Steven Newstead
Florence Wilk
Lisa Frank
Jenifer Kaplan
Allen Kuperman
Mary Osborn
Ellen J Kleinbaum
Wendy & Jeff Fox Barin
Ann Ricketts
Jenn Zurowski
Joan Pollitt
Sandra Teichner
Mollie Semmer
David Assef
Michael Pysno
Tim Bauernfeind
Gerry & Dee Mann
Susan Baron
Jeremy Gottstein
Beverly Weinberg
Joan Reichert
Sandra Rudoy
Ruth Paley
Jennifer Benowitz
Stacey Follman
A donation was made by the following in loving memory of

Scott Erickson

Morganti Group, Inc
James & Judith Nagle
A donation was made by the following in loving memory of

Tom Roloff

Andrew & Angela Roloff
Sheila Zingler-Gilbert
Jeffery & Marcy Smith
Gregory & Jodie Arkin
Richard & Sheila Stahl
Tara Berberich
Stacie Roloff
Daniel & Pamela Rahmer
Arnold & Susan Roloff
Isaac & Elizabeth Perron
John & Conni Potratz
Paul & Sharon Koch


A donation was made by the following in loving memory of

Kevin Cross

Dian Marie Conti
Pamela & Robert Nichols
A donation was made by the following in loving memory of

Larry Cambell

Jonathon Sedlacek
A donation was made by the following in loving memory of

Ernest Morgenshtern

Kevin O’Leary
Andreas Seitz
Christine Turner
Chloe Cadge
Marc Baumslag
A donation was made by the following in loving memory of

James Schreiber

Lisa Qualls
A donation was made by the following in loving honor of

Jonathan Lebo

Debra Chumsky
A donation was made by the following in loving honor of

Grand River Preparatory High School

A donation was made by the following in loving honor of


Christopher Meadows
A donation was made by the following in loving memory of

J. Patrick Thomas

Alexander Thomas

Our Mission

Founded in 2005, the APS Foundation of America, Inc. is dedicated to fostering and facilitating joint efforts in the areas of education, public awareness, research, and patient services for Antiphospholipid Syndrome (APS) in an effective and ethical manner.


APS Foundation of America, Inc.
P. O. Box 801
LaCrosse, WI 54602-0801

DISCLAIMER: APS Foundation of America, Inc. website is not intended to replace standard doctor-patient visits, physical examination, and medical testing. Information given to members is only an opinion. All information should be confirmed with your personal doctor. Always seek the advice of a trained physician in person before seeking any new treatment regarding your medical diagnosis or condition. Any information received from APS Foundation of America, Inc. website is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure. This site is for informational purposes only. Please note that we will be listing all donor or purchaser's names on the Donor page of our foundation site. If you do not want your name listed, please contact us to opt out. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately.